Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Problem

Our society values creativity, and well it should. The changes frequently benefit humanity. Some of the most creative are rewarded in commercial ways while others are rewarded in awards such as in a Nobel Prize or similar ways. The problem is that rarely do creative people teach us how to get into and use our most creative areas, our dreams and visions, and education systems within society, not at all.

One might think in thousands of years of educating people that a process would have evolved to address that. Instead some academics say that dreams are all about sex, or something equally inane, or other crippled and opinionated views of the process. Teachers can't teach what they aren't taught or don't know. The closest connection available to their use is in a handful of people within western societies who recall their dreams, work with visions or similar things. The uses indigenous peoples show are not really considered because they are considered ignorant, savages or too much beneath the elitist 'educated and civilized' who control education to consider, so any findings the less fortunate or educated make are largely ignored.

Nothing is supplied to western societies about the ability to foresee (a function of dreams and what several of the major faiths of the world base their existence). The medical profession which traces its origins to Asclepius in Greece 2300+ years ago had its origins in dreams and visions for diagnosis and remediation. The bureaucrats gradually dumped the method. Now no one knows how the process worked however it hasn't vanished.

Health care suffers. claims a 55% success rate in healing people (which is only 5% better than chance and a failing grade if it were a university mark; it certainly is not an impressive success level considering they take seven or more years to obtain the education). Edgar Cayce who used his visioning capability for diagnosis and offered no complex or invasive cures, had a 99% success rate. He didn't take any lengthy training to do what he did, and anyone can learn the ability in days. You can see the problem. The losers in the medical system of health are called 'casualties' and are dead or can't be helped (and drained of their financial resources by the system, especially in the USA).

The primary enemy of this knowledge is bureaucracy, found in any sizable organization including religion and the medical profession. One would think that religion which in theory supports the knowledge base within prophecies provided by prophets would support this function. They don't. No religion of any size or duration existing over two generations supports the boundless creativity, or methods of using dreams for the multitude of benefits that dreams and visions provide. Bureaucracy has strangled it. The bureaucrats assert that with their education they have more of the answers and knowledge than dreamers and visionaries (and can 'prove' it), and gradually disable and ruin the knowledge base and methods leaving themselves in control.

The problem is further worsened by the laziness of most people in making an effort to recall their dreams (which scriptures indicate are how the Creator, our Living God, speaks to humankind.) So that part cannot be resolved easily in adults. It can be resolved somewhat in children by enticing them to increase their literacy by recalling their dreams. (See My own ability to foresee indicates that we will live 200+ years in the future. That lifespan won't increase until people keep in touch with their dreams and with the health and creative suggestions that go with dreams. Even then not everyone will live that long, just as not everyone lives their 'three score and ten' now.

Of course there is a solution to the problem that anyone can read and use. It's in a book called Practically Dreaming. It can be purchased on or on (It is normally shipped with the supplement Remote Viewing.) The basic methods are taught in a short course at 877-Wizard-U, or on the campus of Vate Ed (see in Willow Bunch, southern Saskatchewan.

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